Level 2 | 20 out of 44 stories released
认识动物 1: 大白鲨 Meet the Animals 1: Great White Shark
认识动物 2: 山地大猩猩 Meet the Animals 2: Mountain Gorilla
认识动物 3: 尼罗河鳄鱼 Meet the Animals 3: Nile Crocodile
认识动物 4: 猎豹 Meet the Animals 4: Cheetah
认识动物 5: 灰熊 Meet the Animals 5: Grizzly Bear
认识动物 6: 大灰狼 Meet the Animals 6: Gray Wolf
认识动物 7: 巨角猫头鹰 Meet the Animals 7: Great Horned Owl
认识动物 8: 海象 Meet the Animals 8: Walrus
认识动物 9: 章鱼 Meet the Animals 9: Octopus
认识动物 10: 魔鬼鱼 Meet the Animals 10: Manta Ray
认识动物 11: 大蓝鹭 Meet the Animals 11: Great Blue Heron
认识动物 12: 浣熊 Meet the Animals 12: Raccoon
认识动物 13: 东北虎 Meet the Animals 13: Siberian Tiger
认识动物 14: 响尾蛇 Meet the Animals 14: Rattlesnake
认识动物 15: 游隼 Meet the Animals 15: Peregrine Falcon
认识动物 16: 长颈鹿 Meet the Animals 16: Giraffe
认识动物 17: 黑寡妇蜘蛛 Meet the Animals 17: Black Widow Spider
认识动物 18: 狐蝠 Meet the Animals 18: Flying Fox
认识动物 19: 非洲象 Meet the Animals 19: African Elephant
认识动物 20: 东部箱龟 Meet the Animals 20: Eastern Box Turtle
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